HomeSchools International

(702) 461-4263

HomeSchools International

One of Our Passion in life is Children Education.

There’s a Chinese Proverb: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Home Schools International is an Online & Offline train the trainers accredited program.
You don’t need a 4 years college degree to teach this program.

Our Vision is: To Help Educate the Children Locally & Globally.
Our Believes is: When In Doubt … Go Back To The Basic
The Course Curriculums Target: K – 6th Grade

Reading; Writing; Math; Science; Arts; Music; and World History…
Is The Basic Education Foundation for Every Child!

One of Our favored quote from – Katharine Hepburn
“It’s not what you Start in life, it’s what you FINISH.”

Another favored quote of Our from – Chuck Palahniuk
“The goal isn’t to Live Forever … is to CREATE something that will.”

Join Our Team and Help us CREATE LEGACY for our Children…

Fulfill a Child’s
By Supporting

(702) 461-4263

Fulfill a Child's Dream, By Supporting Their EDUCATION.

Every Dollar Makes a Difference.

All GIVE Donations to iBuildSchools | HomeSchools International are tax-deductible. iBuildSchools Tax ID # 83-2670709.